Though when he looked at the papers, he shivers a bit when he saw more writings on it. He stepped in and looked at the desk to see an old fashioned radio and smiles a bit, "Nice" he commented it as he turned it on and smiles a bit more as the tunes started to play. Blinking a bit, Cuphead turned the knob before swinging the door open, revealing a small closet-like room with a small desk, wooden chair and some shelves. "What the." he reached towards the door knob and was shocked to find it unlocked. "Its not rusty?" Cuphead commented it slightly surprised before shaking his head and placed the gear in his backpack before walking out.Īs he was walking back to the main area, he slightly jumped in surprise when the door to his right, the lights that was showing suddenly disappeared with a click. "That must be it" he said as he reached down, grabbing the gear and inspecting it for a moment. 'There got to be an item here' he thought to himself as he looked along the shelves until he looked back to the open chest and saw the large gear inside. Quickly jumping over the pipe, he walked in the room and started to look around. After he walked out of the room, Cuphead stood still for a moment before decided to walk back to where the machine was hoping that he could find another item.